Biden Administration Labels Trump Supporters as Domestic Terror Threats


In a deeply troubling revelation, internal documents released by America First Legal (AFL) indicate that the Biden administration's Department of Homeland Security (DHS) has categorized Trump supporters as potential domestic terror threats. This unprecedented move has sparked outrage among Republicans, who view it as a blatant attempt to target political opponents and stifle dissent.

The AFL documents expose plans by the DHS to establish an intelligence unit focused on identifying and monitoring individuals deemed likely to commit "domestic violent extremist" attacks. Shockingly, the criteria for such threats prominently feature support for former President Trump, religious beliefs, and military affiliation.

Republican leaders have condemned this action as a severe overreach of governmental power, likening it to tactics used in authoritarian regimes. They argue that this is a clear violation of civil liberties and a dangerous precedent that threatens the core values of free speech and political diversity.

This development is seen as part of a broader pattern of politicization within federal agencies under the Biden administration. Conservatives contend that resources are being misallocated to suppress political opponents instead of addressing real threats like Antifa and other extremist groups.

The timing of this revelation is particularly concerning, coming as the nation prepares for the 2024 presidential election. Many Republicans believe this move is strategically designed to intimidate Trump supporters and undermine the former president's re-election campaign.

Former President Trump has responded by reiterating his stance that the establishment is not merely targeting him but his supporters and their ideals. He has urged his base to remain vigilant and steadfast in their convictions, promising to fight against such abuses of power.

Civil liberties advocates have also voiced alarm, warning that this sets a dangerous precedent for future administrations. They argue that labeling political dissent as terrorism can lead to widespread abuse of surveillance and law enforcement powers against ordinary citizens.

As the political climate intensifies, Republicans are calling for congressional investigations into the DHS's actions and greater oversight to ensure that federal agencies are not used as tools of political persecution. This fight over the classification of domestic terror threats is likely to be a significant issue in the upcoming election, reflecting broader concerns about the balance between security and freedom in America.


  1. The violence I see are from the BLM, Antifa, and the Far Left agitators that continue this day. Biden and his klan need to stop spewing misinformation. God sees you and will be a held on Judgement Day. Repent and be Baptized. Pray in Jesus Name. Then God gives the Holy Spirit for understanding. These people do not know everyone’s thoughts. God does. Mainstream Media and The View are the liars. The First News and NewsMax expose their Communism.


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