Supreme Court Justice Sotomayor’s Security Detail Thwarts Carjacker


In a dramatic incident in Washington D.C., bodyguards protecting Supreme Court Justice Sonia Sotomayor shot and apprehended a suspected carjacker. The event highlights the ongoing security concerns faced by high-profile figures, particularly those in the judiciary.

Justice Sotomayor, appointed by President Barack Obama in 2009, is no stranger to threats. In 2020, a gunman who had tragically killed the son of a federal judge in New Jersey was found to have also targeted her. This underscores the increasing risks judges face in today's climate of heightened tensions and political polarization.

The incident occurred when a suspect attempted to hijack a vehicle near a location frequented by Justice Sotomayor. Her security detail, composed of highly trained officers, quickly neutralized the threat, ensuring her safety and the safety of bystanders. This swift action demonstrates the effectiveness of the protective measures in place for Supreme Court justices.

This event raises questions about the adequacy of current security protocols. With threats against federal judges reportedly rising by 400% over the past five years, there is a pressing need for enhanced protective measures. The U.S. Marshals Service, responsible for protecting federal judges, has requested additional resources, including 1,000 more officers and a $250 million budget increase.

Justice Sotomayor's case is a stark reminder of the personal sacrifices and dangers faced by those in public service. The risks are not limited to justices but extend to their families, as seen in the tragic case of Judge Esther Salas, whose son was killed by a gunman who had also targeted Sotomayor.

In response to these threats, there is growing support for legislation that would remove personal information about judges from the internet. This measure aims to prevent potential attackers from easily obtaining details about judges' private lives, thereby reducing their vulnerability to targeted violence.

The incident also reflects broader societal issues, including the rising tide of violence and the need for comprehensive measures to address public safety. It is crucial for law enforcement and legislative bodies to work together to create a safer environment for those who serve in the judiciary and other public roles.

In conclusion, the quick and decisive actions of Justice Sotomayor’s bodyguards prevented a potentially tragic event, highlighting the critical importance of robust security measures for high-profile individuals. As threats continue to escalate, it is imperative to provide the necessary resources and legislative support to protect those who uphold the law and serve the public


  1. Gee and just think the very same people applauding this action, some of the fought against security for the conservative justices just a few months ago.


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