How the Media is Radicalizing the Public to Accept Political Violence


In a recent episode of The Bauer and Rose Podcast, hosts Gary Bauer and Tom Rose discussed a troubling trend in American media, accusing outlets like CNN and The New York Times of radicalizing the public to accept violence against political figures, particularly former President Donald Trump. The duo framed the issue as part of a broader attack on conservative values, suggesting that the mainstream media is no longer just biased but actively promoting a narrative that incites hostility toward Trump supporters and conservatives in general.

Bauer and Rose argue that the current media climate is reminiscent of the early days following 9/11, where fear and hysteria dominated the national conversation. However, in today's political landscape, they claim the media's focus is on demonizing figures like Trump, casting him as a villain to such an extent that violence against him is normalized. This, according to the hosts, leads to dangerous consequences, as evidenced by the recent assassination attempts against Trump​.

They also criticized the broader political establishment, including the Democratic National Committee, for stoking tensions by perpetuating false narratives, such as the Trump-Russia collusion story. According to Bauer, the left-leaning media continues to push divisive rhetoric, which encourages unrest and political violence, all while sidelining traditional American values like free speech and civil discourse​.

The episode delved into the implications of this media-driven radicalization, noting that it not only affects domestic politics but also has a ripple effect on international issues, including America's weakened global standing. Bauer and Rose pointed out that the Biden administration's foreign policy blunders, particularly in Ukraine, have emboldened adversaries like Russia and China, all while the media remains largely silent on these failures. Instead, they argue, the media's selective outrage is focused on trivial matters while neglecting stories that truly impact national security.

Bauer and Rose are not alone in their concerns. Several conservative commentators have echoed similar sentiments, criticizing the media for its role in heightening political divisions. The hosts emphasize that this media bias is not just an issue of unfair reporting but a concerted effort to undermine conservative movements, delegitimize Trump’s leadership, and destabilize American democracy.

One of the most alarming aspects discussed in the episode is the media's role in desensitizing the public to political violence. The repeated portrayal of Trump and his supporters as enemies of democracy creates an environment where violence against them is seen as justified. This, according to Bauer and Rose, sets a dangerous precedent, making political violence a new norm in American society).

The hosts concluded by calling for a return to core American principles—freedom of speech, respect for differing opinions, and the need for strong leadership. They urged listeners to remain vigilant against the media's efforts to shape public opinion through fear and misinformation. For Bauer and Rose, this battle is not just about Trump or conservatism, but about preserving the values that have long underpinned American democracy​.

As the 2024 elections approach, the concern is that this radicalization will only intensify. With the media continuing to push divisive narratives, Bauer and Rose warn that the stakes have never been higher for the future of the country. The episode serves as both a critique of the media's role in the current political climate and a call to action for conservatives to push back against what they see as a dangerous trend of misinformation and political violence.


  1. When there is a shooting, it’s ALWAYS some libtard-prog-demoncrap!
    When there is violence in the streets, it is ALWAYS some libtard-prog-demoncrap!
    When businesses and cars and homes are being INTENTIONALLY DESTROYED, it’s ALWAYS some libtard-prog-demoncrap!
    When a libtard-prog-demoncrap gets upset about something, it’s ALWAYS the wrong thing!
    They have serious mental health issues that need serious help!
    They are destroying our country, and they need to be STOPPED!


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