America’s National Security Threats Are Increasingly Internal


While America has long prepared for threats from adversaries like China, Russia, and Iran, experts argue that the most significant national security risks aren't just external. The country now faces a growing crisis from within, with cultural erosion and cognitive warfare undermining the very essence of what it means to be American. These issues, combined with foreign disinformation campaigns, have created a perfect storm of internal division, weakening the country’s ability to respond effectively to foreign challenges.

China's approach to cognitive warfare has been particularly effective. The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) has made significant investments in tools like TikTok and Temu, which are accused of being Trojan horses for espionage and subversion. Through initiatives such as Confucius Classrooms, the CCP seeks to influence young American minds by presenting distorted narratives of Chinese history and politics. Between 2013 and 2023, more than $17 million in CCP funding infiltrated over 140 U.S. school districts, raising concerns about ideological indoctrination under the guise of educational aid​.

Equally alarming is Iran’s disinformation campaign. Iranian operatives tied to the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) have infiltrated American college campuses, fueling anti-Israel protests and spreading misinformation. The narrative being pushed portrays terrorist organizations like Hamas as victims while painting the U.S. and Israel as aggressors. This disinformation has misled many Americans and further deepened the country’s internal divisions.

Russia, too, has played a key role in exploiting America's internal vulnerabilities. Through cyberattacks and disinformation campaigns, Moscow has worked to weaken the U.S. from within. Russian hackers have been blamed for meddling in U.S. elections, targeting the country's democratic institutions, and amplifying political polarization).

As these foreign powers continue their disinformation efforts, the U.S. risks further losing clarity over its own identity and values.

Compounding these challenges is a crisis in military recruitment. Last year, the U.S. military fell short of its recruitment goals by 41,000 personnel. With the military struggling to meet its recruitment targets, national defense becomes harder to sustain. Experts argue that the lack of strong national identity and values has contributed to this recruitment crisis. As foreign adversaries sow seeds of division, many young Americans no longer feel compelled to serve or defend a country whose values they may no longer recognize.

Moreover, while the U.S. focuses on building military strength to counter external threats, it’s becoming clear that no amount of military hardware can address the internal erosion of American identity. As adversaries undermine the nation's cultural and moral fabric, America risks becoming vulnerable from within. Beijing, Moscow, and Tehran are united in their goal to weaken the U.S., not just through military means, but by eroding the values that have long made America strong​.

This crisis of national identity is one of the greatest security threats America faces today. Without addressing the internal division and cultural confusion, the U.S. will find itself unable to effectively counter external threats. For the U.S. to maintain its global leadership and security, it must first restore its sense of national purpose and unity.


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