Delusional Don Lemon Calls Out Trump for ‘Threatening Democracy’ Amid Assassination Attempt


In a fiery appearance on OutFront, former CNN host Don Lemon lashed out at Donald Trump, accusing the former president of inciting violence and threatening democracy. Lemon suggested Trump should stop trying to overturn elections and inciting insurrections if he wanted Democrats to stop calling him a threat to democracy. This comes after a second assassination attempt on Trump, which Lemon linked to Trump's divisive rhetoric. He also condemned Trump’s frequent insults towards political opponents, which he said contribute to political violence.

Lemon didn’t hold back, referencing Trump’s derogatory nicknames for Democrats, such as "Crooked Joe" for President Biden and "Comrade Kamala" for Vice President Harris. Lemon argued that Trump's language not only endangers himself but also escalates tensions across the nation.

Trump, who has consistently denied any wrongdoing, has faced mounting accusations from his political opponents, claiming that his actions and rhetoric “threaten the democratic process”.

The conversation touched on political violence in America, with Lemon recalling past instances where media figures, including himself, were targeted by threats, particularly during Trump’s presidency. Lemon suggested that Trump’s rhetoric has played a role in these incidents, citing examples of past threats made against media personnel.

While discussing the latest assassination attempt, Lemon maintained that Trump bears responsibility for much of the violence directed towards him. He pointed to Trump’s efforts to overturn the results of the 2020 election, calling them a direct assault on democracy. According to Lemon, Trump’s refusal to acknowledge the legitimacy of the election results has continued to inflame tensions, leading to political violence and unrest.

Lemon’s comments come amid heightened political tensions in the U.S., with the 2024 presidential election looming. As Trump seeks re-election, his actions and rhetoric continue to stir controversy, particularly among his political opponents. With his base still firmly behind him, Trump has shown no signs of backing down from his combative style, raising concerns about the future of American democracy.

Critics of Trump, including Lemon, argue that his rhetoric is fueling violence and eroding the nation’s democratic norms. They warn that if Trump continues down this path, it could have dire consequences for the country. Meanwhile, Trump and his supporters argue that he is being unfairly targeted by the media and political elites, insisting that he is fighting to preserve democracy, not destroy it.

As the 2024 election draws nearer, the stakes are higher than ever. With both sides accusing the other of undermining democracy, the political climate in the U.S. remains deeply polarized. Whether Trump will temper his rhetoric or continue to double down remains to be seen, but for now, the battle over the future of American democracy rages on.


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