Extended Voting And Ensuring Election Integrity


In recent years, the integrity of American elections has faced significant scrutiny, particularly surrounding the practice known as the "Long Count." This term refers to the extended period of vote counting that continues well past Election Day, often in key Democratic strongholds, raising concerns about the fairness and transparency of the electoral process.

The 2020 Presidential election and the 2022 Arizona gubernatorial race highlighted the contentious nature of the Long Count. Both elections saw votes being counted days or even weeks after Election Day, leading to significant shifts in reported outcomes. Critics argue that this practice undermines public trust in the electoral system by creating opportunities for manipulation and fraud​.

A significant factor contributing to the Long Count is the widespread use of mail-in voting, which surged during the COVID-19 pandemic. Proponents claim that mail-in voting increases accessibility, particularly for marginalized communities. However, this method has also been criticized for its potential to facilitate fraud through practices like ballot harvesting and the acceptance of undated or improperly dated ballots​.

The legal framework surrounding mail-in voting and ballot counting has been hotly contested. For instance, a recent federal court ruling in Pennsylvania mandated the counting of undated and misdated mail-in ballots, overturning previous safeguards designed to prevent fraud. This decision has fueled further debate over the balance between voter accessibility and election security​.

Historical instances of the Long Count illustrate its potential to alter election outcomes. In the 2004 Washington gubernatorial race, a Republican lead on Election Night was overturned weeks later after multiple recounts and the discovery of additional ballots. Similar scenarios played out in the 2008 Minnesota Senate race and the 2018 California congressional races, where initial leads were reversed following prolonged counting periods​​.

The Supreme Court has addressed issues related to extended vote counting in the past. In the 1997 case Foster v. Love, the Court ruled that elections undecided by midnight on Election Day are void under federal law. This precedent suggests that prolonged counting practices could be challenged legally, offering a potential pathway to curb the Long Count​ ​.

The prolonged counting of votes not only raises legal and procedural concerns but also impacts voter confidence. Low turnout rates in states like California, despite efforts to increase participation through mail-in voting, reflect a broader disillusionment with the electoral process. The perception of chaotic and endless vote counting can discourage voter engagement and trust in the system.

As the 2024 elections approach, addressing the challenges posed by the Long Count is crucial for maintaining the integrity of American democracy. Legal reforms, stringent safeguards for mail-in ballots, and a commitment to timely vote counting are essential steps to restore public confidence in the electoral process. Ensuring that every legitimate vote is counted promptly and transparently will help safeguard the foundational principle of self-government.


  1. Well DUUUUUUHHHH! How the f*ck does anyone think Darth Biden REALLY ended up in office? VOTES? Noooooope! Try again. And it will happen again this year, unfortunately.Get ready for a new unelected “President.”

  2. this long count gives dems the time they need to see how many fake votes they have to come up with. we saw it in action in 2020. I went to bed at 2:00am and Trump was leading by a million votes. I got up at 6:00am and he had lost all the million lead advantage, and biden was now in the lead. I watched as ballots were recounted in the Georgia State Farm arena, by two black women and a black man. the woman, especially the oldest, ran one stack in her hand three times. this I saw personally. I also saw white delivery vans back into a recount arena in Michigan late into the night, where large bins of ballots were wheeled in. suddenly, Joe Biden was declared the winner. this was nothing BUT FRAUD. my eyes saw it all, and my brain registered it fully. the dems then said it was a full and fair election, and that I really didnt witness what I did. to top it all off, when Giuliani called the women in Georgia, they sued him in democratic controlled Atlanta, and won a million or so dollars. FOR FIXING AN ELECTION THEY BECAME MILLIONAIRES. sorry, but I dont believe one word that ever comes out of a democrat mouth. they cannot tell the truth. PERIOD. and I have no doubt they will select KA MA LA as their next Obama puppet. none whatsoever, even though she has to bus in people to her rallies, or hire pop stars to entertain the morons. she bussed in 12 busloads to her Nebraska spectacle. all good little seals, who clapped their flippers and squealed when she said to.


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