MSM’s Climate Narrative Takes a Major Hit as Journalists Unveil Shocking Data

Numerous journalists inadvertently exposed how historical data on global temperatures, when properly contextualized, undermines the urgency and extremism often promoted by climate alarmists. MSM outlets have increasingly focused on pushing headlines about the “hottest day ever” while ignoring long-term climate patterns that tell a different story.

Central to this revelation is a study cited by The Washington Post that charts global surface temperatures over the last 485 million years. Contrary to the alarming reports about recent temperature increases, the Earth's current average temperature of 58.96°F (14.98°C) is significantly lower than the 96.8°F (36°C) experienced about 100 million years ago. In fact, Earth has been cooling for roughly 50 million years. Despite this, mainstream climate coverage focuses solely on recent temperature data, creating a false sense of impending doom.

This pattern of selective reporting has become a hallmark of corporate media's climate alarmism. The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), for example, is often cited as a leading authority on climate change. However, critics argue that the IPCC’s reports, while claiming to be scientific, are shaped by political interests. These reports tend to overstate human-induced climate change while downplaying natural factors such as solar cycles and volcanic activity. According to Richard Lindzen, a former IPCC contributor, the IPCC is flawed because it focuses solely on man-made climate change, ignoring natural variability.

Moreover, concerns have been raised about the accuracy of temperature data used to justify these claims. A growing number of scientists are questioning the reliability of climate models and temperature monitoring stations. Research shows that many of the temperature stations used by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) are compromised by “heat biases” due to urbanization and faulty adjustments made through a process known as “homogenization.” This process, intended to correct anomalies, may be introducing more inaccuracies instead.

One prominent skeptic, Anthony Watts of the Heartland Institute, has pointed out that over 90% of NOAA’s climate stations are affected by these biases, rendering their data unreliable. This widespread data corruption suggests that much of the fear-mongering around climate change may be built on a flawed foundation.

Adding to the skepticism, many climate policies, such as carbon taxes and renewable energy mandates, are being implemented based on these questionable data sets. Some scientists argue that these policies are less about environmental protection and more about economic control, as massive amounts of taxpayer dollars are funneled into green energy projects, which often benefit a select group of corporations and political elites.

For example, recent heatwaves and hurricanes were widely covered by corporate media as evidence of catastrophic global warming. Yet, meteorological records show a steady decline in the frequency of hurricanes and other extreme weather events over the past few decades. A 2022 study published in *Nature* noted a 13% decrease in tropical cyclone frequency since the pre-industrial era, further undermining the alarmist narrative.

The disparity between MSM’s dire warnings and the actual climate data is leading many to reconsider the legitimacy of the climate crisis narrative. Skeptics argue that while the Earth’s climate is undoubtedly changing, much of the change can be attributed to natural phenomena rather than human activity.


Weekly Wrap


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