Pelosi Tells Biden: You’re Dragging Down Democrats


In a series of candid conversations, former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi has conveyed to President Joe Biden that his reelection campaign is becoming a significant liability for the Democratic Party. Pelosi, who remains a powerful figure in Democratic politics, has stressed the urgency of Biden making a decision about his 2024 candidacy as the window for a strategic pivot narrows​.

Pelosi's comments came amid increasing anxiety within Democratic ranks, with many fearing that Biden's faltering performance could jeopardize their chances in the upcoming elections. Concerns about Biden's age and his recent debate performance against former President Donald Trump have only intensified these worries​​.

High-profile Democrats, including Senator Michael Bennet of Colorado, have echoed these sentiments, questioning Biden's viability as a candidate. Bennet reportedly told colleagues in a closed-door meeting that he does not believe Biden can win in November, sentiments shared by Senators Jon Tester of Montana and Sherrod Brown of Ohio​​.

Adding to the chorus of concern, actor and longtime Democratic supporter George Clooney penned an opinion piece in The New York Times, urging Biden to step aside for the good of the party. Clooney's intervention highlights the breadth of the unease, stretching from political insiders to influential donors​.

The pressure on Biden is compounded by polling data, which Pelosi reportedly cited in her discussions with the president. The data suggests Biden is trailing Trump in key battleground states, raising alarms about the potential down-ballot impact on other Democratic candidates​.

Despite these mounting pressures, Biden has reaffirmed his commitment to his campaign. In a letter to congressional Democrats, he expressed his determination to continue, emphasizing the importance of defeating Trump in the 2024 election​.

Pelosi's public stance remains one of cautious support, stating that while the decision ultimately lies with Biden, it is crucial for him to make a timely determination. Her recent interview on MSNBC's "Morning Joe" underscored this urgency, as she emphasized the need for a strong candidate to counter Trump's challenge​.

The internal party strife underscores a broader strategic dilemma for the Democrats. Balancing the respect for Biden's incumbency with pragmatic electoral strategy poses a significant challenge. Pelosi's intervention reflects a growing consensus among Democratic leaders that a change at the top might be necessary to preserve their electoral prospects​.



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