U.S. Congress Takes Decisive Action Against Foreign Threats to Genetic Privacy


In a bold move to safeguard national security and the genetic privacy of its citizens, the United States Congress is on the verge of enacting a comprehensive ban on a China-based genomics company with alleged ties to the Chinese Communist Party (CCP). This company, known as BGI Group, stands accused of engaging in the clandestine collection of American DNA data, raising fears of espionage and the potential misuse of sensitive biological information.

The legislative push, led by prominent figures in both the House and Senate, aims to prevent the BGI Group from conducting business with any entity that holds contracts with the U.S. government. This action could send shockwaves through the biotech industry, valued at over $25 billion, and significantly alter the power dynamics between the world’s leading superpowers.


BGI Group, which has been operating within the U.S. with a regional headquarters in San Jose, California, has been likened to the “Huawei for biotech” by experts, referencing the Chinese telecom giant previously banned by the U.S. due to spying concerns. The comparison underscores the gravity of the threat posed by BGI, which is not seen as a neutral entity but rather an extension of the CCP’s strategic ambitions.

The proposed ban is part of an amendment to the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA), a critical piece of legislation that outlines military policy. The amendment specifically targets the purchase of biotech equipment from adversaries, including North Korea, Russia, Iran, and China, and explicitly names BGI Group and its subsidiaries. This measure reflects growing apprehension about the so-called “DNA arms race” and the possibility that genetic data could be weaponized.


Alarmingly, intelligence reports have linked BGI to Beijing’s directive to amass human DNA, particularly from the United States. Discussions among Chinese academics and military scientists about the potential creation of gene-targeting bioweapons have only intensified these concerns. Moreover, BGI’s obligation to share its genetic data with the CCP adds another layer of risk to the already tense geopolitical landscape.

The company’s rapid transformation from a modest research institute into a global powerhouse in genome and health research has been propelled by significant funding from the Chinese government. This financial backing allows BGI to offer healthcare technology at below-market rates, furthering China’s reach into the global genetic data pool. Meanwhile, China has prohibited the export of its own gene data, creating a one-sided flow of information that benefits Beijing’s strategic interests.

U.S. officials have also raised red flags about BGI’s aggressive expansion during the Covid-19 pandemic, where it sought to establish labs in numerous countries and distribute test kits globally. This initiative was seen as a potential conduit for funneling genetic data back to China. Additionally, two BGI subsidiaries were placed on the U.S. trade blacklist in 2020 for alleged human rights abuses related to genetic research in Xinjiang province, home to the persecuted Uyghur minority.

As Congress moves forward with this proposed ban, the message is clear: the United States will not stand idly by as foreign entities threaten the genetic sovereignty and security of its people. This decisive action underscores the commitment to protecting Americans from the covert and potentially harmful activities of companies like BGI Group, which operate under the influence of adversarial governments. The preservation of genetic privacy and national security remains paramount, and the U.S. is poised to take whatever steps are necessary to ensure these protections.